26 September 2014 Grant Thornton named Employer of the Year by International Accounting Bulletin
8 July 2014 Grant Thornton named one of Top 50 most attractive employers in Asia Pacific
17 march 2014 Grant Thornton named 'Best managed international firm'
Grant Thornton named International Accounting Bulletin's Network of the year
From October 21, 2013 Tatyana Gutova, who has more than 17 years experience in audit, former Partner of one “Big 4” firms has joined Grant Thornton in Kazakhstan.
Grant Thornton moved to a new office from August 1, 2013. Welcome to see you in our new office. Our new address is Almaty 050051, Yelebekova str. Building 12/1.
Grant Thornton will be held the seminar on Risk Management in Almaty on 25 and 26 of January 2013.
Starting from January 3, 2013 Arman Chingilbayev former partner of one “Big 4” firms joined Grant Thornton in Kazakhstan.
Grant Thornton reports will be acceptable by USAID.
Grant Thornton will be held the seminar on Risk Management in Almaty on 14 and 15 of December 2012.