The analysis of the market of audit and consulting services in Kazakhstan for 2011.
GT Audit LLP is renamed on Grant Thornton LLP.
Interview with Managing Partner Dossymbekov Yerzhan in the Life Business magazine.
Grant Thornton can make an audit of issuers on KASE (the 1st category).
From January 1, 2012 Saule Bazilzhanova, who has a big experience in valuation and corporate finance services joined Grant Thornton practice as a Partner.
From January 1, 2012 Saule Bazilzhanova, who has a big experience in valuation and corporate finance services joined Grant Thornton practice as a Partner.
From January 1, 2012 Saule Bazilzhanova, who has a big experience in valuation and corporate finance services joined Grant Thornton practice as a Partner.
Partner of Grant Thornton Dossymbekov Yerzhan and the Manager Consulting services Zhanuzakov Zabish, gave consultation on rather corporate governance for the Limited Liability Companies.
Yerzhan Dosymbekov and Erzhanov Mukhtar argue about the market of audit services and Grant Thornton strategy in Kazakhstan.
Grant Thornton becomes the member of Association of Kazakhstan Taxpayers.